Goodbye Jekyll, hello Hugo


I started this blog in March 2013 when I was working for ImagineEasy when I had a few ideas to write down on how I’d work with Doctrine Repositories. I still like the idea, but I’d probably do it a bit different today. The blog and also how I’d work with doctrine.

At the time Jekyll was the way to handle a static file blog. Since then, again, a few things have changed. GitHub is now owned by Microsoft and there are GitHub Actions.

Jekyll still exists, but all in all I think it was a modern choice at a different time. So what’s next then? I must admit I did not look far, it was more a Zeitgeist thing that just ran my way.

Someone mentioned HUGO as a blog that you can easily publish to from Obsidian, I’m not planning on using that particular feature, but I looked HUGO up, and it seems that it is exactly what I was to lazy to look for. A static site generator that uses markdown and can be build by GitHub Actions.

There is already a huge list of possible themes and many look promising from the thumbnail, but feature wise there is a huge difference. What to look out for:

  • How far is the template deviating from the default, in case you ever want to change the template.
  • Which features do you want/need and are they already included, is it complicated to add them later?
  • Are there existing installations that are actively used, so they can be used as a reference
  • Is there a reference/documentation on how to install it on the host
  • How do you publish new content, are there examples/documentation?
  • What is the version of the technologies in the deploy-chain, old?

For every point there is also the question of how complicated each step is.

As a reference, this is what I ended up doing:

Local setup

install hugo

sudo apt-get install hugo

create a new site

see the official Quick Start for more infos.

hugo new site
git init

add a theme

Look at all the blog themes hugo already has listed.

I chose hugo-ficurinia as it has the following enabled: tags, categories, fonts I like, simply deploys and looks as promised.

Add the theme as submodule:

git submodule add themes/hugo-ficurinia

And run a local server to test everything

hugo server -t hugo-ficurinia

add a blog post

There is probably nothing much to see, so let’s add a new post as draft.

hugo new posts/hello-world/

Make sure to read about how to organize the content in directories.

run the server

And run the server again and also include the draft post

hugo server -t hugo-ficurinia --buildDrafts

When you run just hugo -t hugo-ficurinia the site will be build and dumped to public/. That is what we will later do to deploy the site.

Time to commit all the changed files and add the remote to push everything

git remote add origin
git push origin main

There will nothing happen yet as we still need to add the github workflow

Deploy to GitHub pages via GitHub actions

mkdir -p .github/workflows
touch .github/workflows/pages-deploy.yml
# file: .github/workflows/pages-deploy.yml
name: "Build and Deploy gh-pages"  
      - main  
      - .gitignore  
      - LICENSE  
  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab  
  contents: write # needed to push to the gh-pages branch
  pages: write  
  id-token: write  
# Allow one concurrent deployment  
  group: "pages"  
  cancel-in-progress: true  
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest  
      # Step 1 - Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE  
      - name: Checkout  
        uses: actions/checkout@v3  
          fetch-depth: 0  
          submodules: true  
      # Step 2 - Sets up the latest version of Hugo  
      - name: Hugo setup  
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2.6.0  
          extended: true  
          hugo-version: 'latest'  
      # Step 3 - Adds a cache  
      - uses: actions/cache@v2  
          path: /tmp/hugo_cache  
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-hugomod-${{ hashFiles('**/go.sum') }}  
          restore-keys: |  
            ${{ runner.os }}-hugomod-  
      # Step 4 - Clean and don't fail  
      - name: Clean public directory  
        run: rm -rf public/*  
      # Step 5 - Builds the site using the latest version of Hugo  
      # Also specifies the theme we want to use      
      - name: Build  
        run: hugo --minify --theme=hugo-ficurinia  
      # Step 6 - Push our generated site to our gh-pages branch  
      - name: GitHub Pages action  
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3.9.0  
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}  
          publish_dir: ./public  

Read more about the options you get when using peaceiris/actions-hugo and peaceiris/actions-gh-pages.


Now the customization party can start. All the options are listed in the config.toml.

Happy blogging \o/

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